Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Thursday, August 6, 2020

if my people

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Journey of UnBecoming

 It often feels as if I as a being am not really moving, it’s just life moving about me in it’s own rhythm and melody.....and the gift is just trusting that after the storms pass everything you are left with are the only things you’ll need for the next adventure.

Allow Judge

Judge not...lest ye be judged ....the problem is in our attachment to labeling parts of ourselves or our lives as wrong, or unfair. Life isn't out to get me. Life goes on with or without my participation in it. Life does not have an agenda towards me. But I have had one towards my life. Happiness doesn't bloom outside of me, it blooms within me. Happiness blooms when I accept my life, all the unexpected facets of it as the way it is supposed to be. In accepting life in this way I let go of my own agenda and it's judgement and I allow God/Universe/Life to show up as it is. When I take the time to step aside and ALLOW life to unfold naturally beautiful things show up. When I take the lead and shove life/God/Universe into the version of beauty I THINK I NEED then life get's unmanageable and misery sets in. God shows up thru me as me when my agenda is dismantled. In every moment of surrender there is a choice of disciplining myself to trust that ALL THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN MY HIGHEST AND HOLIEST INTEREST WITHOUT MY INTERFERENCE. Serenity manifests when I let go and allow life to happen without my judgement or attachment to an outcome.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Karma and Grace

Grace and Karma
I was at church in a group and we all were sharing. Someone in the group took the personal information I had shared and tried to wield more pain into my woundedness. I explained how hurt I felt as a result of the comments. He laughed. I got up and left the group. I realize he was echoing the pain I was already feeling. If we are each experiencing our journey as lessons learned and gifts gleaned, then indeed must we ever apologize for hurting someone? This man has never apologized, and has relished in the thought of having contributed to my pain, which he even told me I was not experiencing. He had a spiritual epiphany last week, and woke up to his life. But he thinks that Grace supercedes all previous actions, and negates his karma and need for an apology. Is this true?
When I awoke in my life, I was tremendously humbled. I saw how I had created a thought paradigm at age 4, in order to survive, and how 41 years later I was still living it. I saw the immaturity of that thought system and how it undermined me as the light I am, and the vast amount of collateral damage it caused to those around me. I started making amends out of humility, and asking for forgiveness. The hardest person to get forgiveness from was myself, but it came.
Are we really to act any way we wish, and toss the consequences aside? Are we to be unkind even cruel to each other and to hell with the impact, because if we hurt or caused fear in someone else it is their issue to deal with, their lesson to learn, and we have actually done them a favor? This is so tough for me to wrap my head around. Isn't there an accountability we all have to each other, through the sacred contract of our words, and an accountability to our unity in Oneness through our deeds? I realize I cannot make someone apologize to me or anyone else. I also realize that we all walk a different path, but the closer we move into the light, don't we all see the same Truth? Isn't there one truth?And isn't that one truth laden with integrity,integratedness of being? What we do to the part impacts the whole, and we are responsible for the betterment of each other through the betterment of ourselves. Does grace absolve us from being responsible and kind in our actions with others?
If Indeed Grace negates our responsibility to each other, then is this the world we will create as the old one passes away? Creating a new earth system that works for everyone would require integrity and kindness to be a given. If only a few live by the code of integrity and kindness, then there will be little accountability, and then governments will arise again, since we humans as a majority can't seem to master kindergarten lessons 101.
The new earth I envision is a world beyond mental and physical borders. A world where our hearts and souls are safe to be honest and real. A world where malevolence is obsolete, and compassion is the holy currency we exchange. Where the One Truth, the One Unity In the One God resides and rules our individual expression, no governments are needed.....for we are led by the purest place of all....our heart.
The above questions are not rhetorical in nature. Responses would be greatly appreciated.
May seeds of truth bloom in your essence so that you can remain in Love's pure cascade,